

On the 23rd March was Ugadi (Hindu new year). Ugadi is a bank holiday so it was very quiet. Many people also decorate their doors with fresh mango leaves. Others draw in front of their gates. Some Hindus may prepare a special chutney with different flavours to symbolise the different feelings to expect in the new year.



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Posted by on March 26, 2012 in Culture, Religion, Siobhan


The traffic in Bangalore is just so different, vehicles are everywhere. There are also cows on the road sometimes. It is mainly auto rickshaws and motorcycles but there are cars, buses and also three wheeled mini trucks. Auto rickshaws are vehicles people use to travel short distances. They have no seat belts, doors and can fit two to three passengers. However, if you go on an auto rickshaw, you will have to haggle about the fare.

In Bangalore there is also a botanical garden. It is much bigger than the one in Perth (it’s the third biggest in India.) We went on a long  walk there and saw kites (they’re big birds of prey) and even monkeys. There was also a nice tour guide who took heaps of photos, here is one of me with a bonsai:

Siobhan in the Bonsai Garden

Bangalore is AWESOME (except the noise)

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Posted by on March 22, 2012 in City Life, Siobhan