Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bangalore Becomes Even More Dangerous

Now that you have survived the traffic, smell and diseases you may think you are a survival master, but Bangalore still has an ace hidden away. Electricity! With its two evil attacks…

1 Power cuts (a daily visitor), imagine you where in a lift while there was a power cut. What problems would you have? Heat or might it be a sealed lift so you could run out of air? Or you might be having open heart surgery (not in a lift). I think power cuts are dangerous!

2. Even more dangerous, electricity wires. They are everywhere, coming out of the floor, hanging low from trees and even sticking out of lamp posts. You need to be really careful so that you aren’t electricuted.

Bangalore is dangerous. So look out or you will lose your life to Bangalore electricity. 😉

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Posted by on April 17, 2012 in Uncategorized