Tea, tea … and more tea

10 Jul

In the afternoon we arrived at T & U Leisure Hotel, Munnar. We were all extremely tired after a long drive, so it was agreed to relax for the rest of that day and to do more stuff the next day. Even so, in the late afternoon we went out on a little walk and had a look around. We discovered a small path that led into the tea plantations. It was agreed that we would have a look at the tea tomorrow. So the next day after our tour, which included Matupetty dam, Echo point, a few markets and the tea museum, we walked down to the gap in the fence and stepped into the tea plantations.

The tea plantations

As we walked leisurely along, we spotted many side paths that were for the tea pickers to pick their way through as they harvested the tea bushes every fourteen days. It took us quite a while before we reached a small, fresh water stream which gurgled through the tea quietly. Having crossed it, we walked on only to find another stream. This one was much muddier than the last one. It also had nothing solid apart from rubbish so we had to jump over it. Phew! We had all safely crossed and had started wandering into the green again. We passed much more tea before the path sadly ended. As we walked back through the greenness, we again passed the everlasting tea bushes and then we came to the muddy stream and then to the fresh water one, so before we knew it we were stepping out through the gap in the fence and that is where the tea plantation adventure ended and a whole new one began. But I mustn’t tell you that one… 😉

1 Comment

Posted by on July 10, 2012 in Outside of Bangalore, Siobhan, Travelling


One response to “Tea, tea … and more tea

  1. Vinod Kumaar R

    July 12, 2012 at 10:01 AM

    I have never been to a tea estate. Reading your writing, now I feel that I should visit one. Have you tried going on a bullock cart in the village road?


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