My day pack

09 Jul

On our travels roaming round Bangalore to discover the hidden secrets or obvious environment, sightseeing or going shopping… I usually take a kind of survival pack which I think is worth describing in the context of this blog.

Toilet paper. Public toilets are as good as non-existent if one doesn’t count the rubbish fields, parks, trees or other road side opportunities where we have spotted men urinating. Public places like big temples, museums, shopping centres, etc. might have toilets, sometimes they are even reasonably clean. You can usually not guess beforehand what to expect behind the door of the cubicle (if there is a door) – a European style toilet or an Indian style squatting toilet. The squatting toilets are actually more hygienic as bodily contact with the actual toilet is minimised. It just needs a bit of practice to keep all the clothing out of the way. The other habit I haven’t taken up is cleaning myself with a jug of water as is locally common. You will find a bucket with water and a jug in most toilets, sometimes a hose providing fresh water even in the European style toilets. Toilet paper is usually only present in the rest rooms of posh restaurants. So we learned very quickly to carry our own where ever we go.

Drinking water. Hot weather, thirsty family… carrying drinking water is a must, especially as tap water is not drinkable.

Camera. The frequency of me taking pictures has gone down dramatically over the last few weeks. We have simply got used to the many things that amazed, disgusted or simply interested us in the beginning. I still carry the camera though to catch any surprises and memorable moments.

Money. Obviously. Always making sure to carry enough change as rickshaw drivers or shopkeepers might not be able to give change for a 500 or 1000 Rupee note.

Plasters and disinfectant. For the little scratches along the way. We are quite religious about covering up any wounds especially the ones close to the garbagy footpaths.

Hand sanitiser. Most restaurants have a washroom, especially because many Indians are eating with their hands. Not all have soap and as the water is so full of germs here it is advisable to go for the hand sanitiser before eating.

Insect repellent. Especially when going out after sunset.

Itch relieving ointment. For the cases when the insect repellent didn’t work.

Lip balm, dental floss, tissues. For those minor inconveniences.

Phone. To order a cab online and check the map.

Occasionally we have also carried  a little scarf for Sean to cover his mouth as the dusty, dirty air can be rather irritating especially when driving longer distances in a rickshaw. Sunscreen we stopped bringing very quickly… as soon as we realised that the pollution is just as effective as sun protection.

We haven’t had any problems with pickpockets (so far). But I have been rather careful. The shoulder bag I use is always securely zipped up.

Well, our days of roaming around Bangalore are numbered. One week to go. Instead of the day pack I am going to have to start packing suitcases soon. Everybody is ready to go home and my shoulder bag is ready to go into the washing machine 😉

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Posted by on July 9, 2012 in Antje, City Life


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