04 Jul

This is part two of YOGA (THE STRETCHES). Here are some more stretches:

The shoulder stand. To do the shoulder stand you must balance on your head and shoulders. It increases memory power, will power and many other functions of the upper body by making the blood flow in that direction.

Shoulder Stand

The fish is a very simple asana that opens the lungs to the maximum.

Easy Fish

Harder Fish

Half Locust

The half locust strengthens the lower back and thigh.

Savasana is the relaxation pose for all asanas done on your back. It is the best relaxation pose. It calms the body and replenishes lost energy.


Lotus is the pose for meditation. It calms the brain and increases flexibility of the legs.


Half Wheel Builds up strength in preparation for Wheel.

Half Wheel

Wheel stretches chest and lungs, strengthens arms, wrists, legs, abdomen and spine and helps general fitness.



Forward bend stretches the complete back and relaxes nerves.

Forward Bend

The 2nd version of crow and flying lotus both improve concentration and increases flexibility of the legs.

2nd version of Crow

Flying Lotus

Leg above head merely increases flexibility of the legs.

Leg above head

Child pose is a good relaxation pose.

Child Pose

These are but 11 asanas of 84 000.


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Posted by on July 4, 2012 in City Life, Culture, Sean


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