Indian Palm Squirrels

11 Apr

If you are interested in the Indian palm squirrel, read this:


Palm squirrel eating left-overs

  • Grain
  • Nuts
  • Insects
  • Fruit
  • Berries
  • Small mammals
  • Birds
  • Crops


  • Length – 20cm
  • Weight – 100g(adult)


  • Pale brown fur
  • Bushy tail
  • Three white stripes


Palm squirrel lying on a branch

  • 2-3 young
  • Young are weaned after 10 weeks
  • Gestation period is 34 days
  • Young are born during autumn in grass nests

                 Importance in Hinduism

  • Considered sacred
  • Helped Lord Rama build a bridge
  • Lord Rama rewarded them by stroking their back leaving three white marks

I have seen many and there are still more to come!

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Posted by on April 11, 2012 in Religion, Siobhan, Wildlife


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